-- $Id: CISCO-RFC1382-CAPABILITY.my,v 3.2 1995/11/17 08:34:42 hampton Exp $
-- $Source: /swtal/cherf.111/ios/sys/MIBS/CISCO-RFC1382-CAPABILITY.my,v $
-- *****************************************************************
-- August 1994, Jeffrey T. Johnson
-- Copyright (c) 1994 by cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************
-- $Log: CISCO-RFC1382-CAPABILITY.my,v $
-- Revision 3.2  1995/11/17  08:34:42  hampton
-- Remove old entries from the RCS header logs.
-- Revision 3.1  1995/11/09  10:50:24  shaker
-- Bump version numbers from 2.x to 3.x.
-- Revision 2.1  1995/06/07  20:00:54  hampton
-- Bump version numbers from 1.x to 2.x.
-- *****************************************************************
-- $Endlog$


                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
                FROM SNMPv2-CONF
                FROM CISCO-SMI;

ciscoRFC1382Capability  MODULE-IDENTITY
                LAST-UPDATED    "9408180000Z"
                ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
                        "       Cisco Systems
                                Customer Service
                        Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive
                                San Jose, CA  95134
                           Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
                        E-mail: cs-snmp@cisco.com"
                        "Agent capabilities for RFC1382-MIB (X.25 MIB)"
                REVISION        "9408180000Z"
                        "Initial version of this MIB module."
        ::= { ciscoAgentCapability 110 }

ciscoRFC1382CapabilityV10R02 AGENT-CAPABILITIES

STATUS          current
DESCRIPTION     "cisco x.25 mib capabilities"

INCLUDES        { x25Group }

VARIATION       x25AdmnInterfaceMode
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnMaxActiveCircuits
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnPacketSequencing
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnRestartTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnCallTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnResetTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnClearTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnWindowTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnDataRxmtTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnInterruptTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnRejectTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnRegistrationRequestTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnMinimumRecallTimer
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnRestartCount
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnResetCount
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnClearCount
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnDataRxmtCount
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnRejectCount
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnRegistrationRequestCount
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnNumberPVCs
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnDefCallParamId
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnLocalAddress
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25AdmnProtocolVersionSupported
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25OperResetCount
SYNTAX          INTEGER (1..1)
DESCRIPTION     "Hard-wired value"

VARIATION       x25OperClearCount
SYNTAX          INTEGER (1..1)
DESCRIPTION     "Hard-wired value"

VARIATION       x25OperDataRxmtCount
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25OperRejectCount
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25OperRegistrationRequestCount
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25StatOutgoingCircuits
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25StatIncomingCircuits
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25StatTwowayCircuits
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25StatDataRxmtTimeouts
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25StatInterruptTimeouts
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25ChannelLIC
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25ChannelHIC
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25ChannelLTC
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25ChannelHTC
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25ChannelLOC
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25ChannelHOC
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitStatus
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitDirection
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitDataRetransmissionTimeouts
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25CircuitInterruptTimeouts
SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..0)
DESCRIPTION     "Hardcoded to 0"

VARIATION       x25CircuitCallParamId
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitCalledDteAddress
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitCallingDteAddress
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitOriginallyCalledAddress
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25CircuitDescr
ACCESS          read-only
DESCRIPTION     "Unable to create or modify"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitIndex
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitPleIndex
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitTimeEstablished
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitTimeCleared
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitChannel
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitClearingCause
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitDiagnosticCode
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitInPdus
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitOutPdus
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitCalledAddress
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitCallingAddress
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitClearFacilities
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25ClearedCircuitEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmIndex
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmStatus
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmRefCount
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmInPacketSize
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmOutPacketSize
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmInWindowSize
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmOutWindowSize
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmAcceptReverseCharging
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmProposeReverseCharging
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmFastSelect
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmOutThruPutClasSize
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmCug
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmCugoa
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmBcug
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmNui
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmChargingInfo
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmRpoa
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmTrnstDly
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmCallingExt
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmCalledExt
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmInMinThuPutCls
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmOutMinThuPutCls
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmEndTrnsDly
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmPriority
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmProtection
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmExptData
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmUserData
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmCallingNetworkFacilities
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25CallParmCalledNetworkFacilities
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Table for x25CallParmEntry not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitEntriesRequested
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

VARIATION       x25ClearedCircuitEntriesGranted
ACCESS          not-implemented
DESCRIPTION     "Not supported"

        ::= { ciscoRFC1382Capability 1 }